How to Afford Luxury Travel
No tricks, no scams, just real solutions to give you a luxurious travel experience.
What is Luxury Travel?
Luxury travel is not just when Anna Delvey overstays her welcome on a million dollar yacht.
Luxury travel means you prioritize expertise and upscale services during your stay. More expensive does not mean better, but your travel advisor has done the research and can identify which services are worth your money and what might not be a good fit.
“Is luxury travel for me?”
Luxury travel can be for everyone, but luxury travel might only be for those who prefer an upscale experience and see value in professionals of the industry. As a young person in my 20s, I had no problem taking a 20 hour flight (that should’ve been 8) with two stops, and staying in a room with 18 other travelers in bunk beds. It was a blast at the time, but I’ve evolved.
Now as a traveler, I realize that there are meaningful experiences I want to take advantage of that cost more money. To me, it’s worth it because of the professionals who provide the service. These professionals make traveling an authentic cultural experience, and can provide me with individual attention if I need it.
I travel to soak up the culture, support the local economy, and really understand how people live. I also travel to have fun and let loose! Either way, I can afford luxury travel because I make sure my priorities are met, and I’m fine letting some other aspects of the trip go.
“How can I afford luxury travel services on a budget? Is it possible?”
Surprise! When you book anything through a travel advisor, regardless of what it is, you are already a luxury traveler. Now let’s first talk saving, because unless you can just come up with thousands of dollars in a week’s time, you’ll want to see these tips:
Ask your employer if they can split your paycheck deposits to go to two different accounts. This can also be found in their online paystub system. This way, money goes directly from your paycheck to a savings account every paycheck. You never see it, so you’ll never miss it!
If you’re splitting your paycheck and you are salaried, best to divert a certain amount since you know it will be the same every time ($100, $250, etc). If you’re an hourly employee or do not have consistent paychecks, divert a percentage of your income, this way it will always be proportional to the amount you make and won’t keep you from paying any important bills (10%, for example).
Start saving NOW. Don’t wait until you want to travel, it will be too late. Start putting small amounts away now, and you can always up your deposits. If you put $100/month in, and travel in the next year and a half, you’ll have over $2,000 to work with that won’t disrupt any of your regular income.
“Okay, I saved money, how do I know what to do with it?”
First, get yourself a travel advisor! Vous Allez is perfect to make any trip feel like a luxurious one, with or without the price tag.
Let’s not fool ourselves, the reality is that you are traveling to another place and it will cost money. If you’re expecting to go to the South of Italy in June for 10 days on a $2,000 budget, it’s very unlikely. Travel advisors do all of the research and set realistic expectations for you, so you don’t have to worry about starting the planning process only to realize you’re over budget and have to start from scratch with a new destination.
Once you work with a travel advisor, the magic happens. Vous Allez uses an intake form and a 30-45 minute consultation to get to know you, your priorities, how you like to travel, and what you’re budget looks like.
This is when you become a luxury traveler. You are now a VIP client of Vous Allez. You get expert knowledge, exclusive partner perks like hotel credit and room upgrades, individual attention, and concierge services while on your trip. We research, plan, book, and package your entire trip while you relax and maybe click a few buttons. That VIP treatment is comforting. You know that someone is looking out for you before, during, and after your trip.
“Which services should I devote money to if I’m on a budget?”
There are five main components of any trip: flights, accommodation, transportation, experiences/excursions, and food/drink.
If you are someone who is a nervous flyer or prefers to be comfortable on a long flight, spend money in business class. If you care more about the way there-and-back than where you stay, fly business.
Business class gives you a private seat that usually has a divider, a lay-flat sleeping arrangement, restaurant quality food and drink menu, complimentary fly gifts when you arrive at your seat, and VIP attention. This takes a lot of stress out of flying for some people. If you prioritize this (tickets start at $2,000+) you’ll be staying humbly in destination, which some people don’t mind as they just want a place to lay their head.
If you are someone who prefers to be pampered while on-site, especially if you are staying for 8+ days, you will want to prioritize a 4 or 5 star accommodation. This is my profile! I personally would fly economy as I need to be unwind after a long flight. I love VIP treatment where my bags can be ushered to my room, I’m greeted with a big comfortable bed, and the hotel is beautifully designed and clean. I love amenities for those times I just get tired of walking around.
This is also where travel advisors can do their magic. There are so many possibilities when you stay at a premium property, and these are usually the ones with the best perks. Fly economy and take a cab to the property so you can splurge on room service, a private terrace, or hotel saunas.
If you are someone who only wants to travel in style, spend a few hundred dollars and get luxury transportation to and from the airport. It’s comforting having your own, vetted chauffeur who is ready waiting for you and your luggage after a long flight. Especially if you land in a new airport and you’re unsure how to navigate public transportation. Sometimes Uber is not as readily available in certain countries, nor is it even legal in some places as it takes away from the taxi revenue.
In addition, if you want to be chauffeured around town like the celebrity you are, spring for a chauffeur hire for the remainder of your stay.
If you value quality food and drink, make sure you splurge on restaurants and tasting tours. I am on a personal mission to try Michelin star food in every country I visit. You can too! You can also splurge on professional wine tours in Italy with industry experts, visits to small Scottish islands for scotch, or a tequila tasting in Mexico. This is where my money goes when I’m abroad because sometimes, there are experiences where talented locals spend time preparing fresh ingredients and put care into what they serve. That’s what I want to taste.